
The Saga of Ref the Sly

This is truly a great saga to end the year on, definitely my favorite so far.

The Saga of Ref the Sly, to me, stands far above the other sagas we have read. Constant action, an interesting plot, and in stark contrast with many of the other sagas we have read. This saga is universal. I may be wrong, but I felt like every proper noun in the story could have been replaced with another to make the saga pertain to some other culture, and no one would know the difference. Clearly, there are some stylistic quirks that only the viking orators and writers instate, such as poetry and heavy foreshadowing, but that aside, this story is an action adventure that can be told in so many ways. The scene I like the best is the scene in which Gunnar and Bard cut off Ref's water supply and attempt to burn his fortress down. Out of nowhere, the wall falls down and out comes a huge boat, in which they sail away and escape. The visual images I get when reading this are really cool. Great stuff!

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